The Legacy of Leigh Bowery, king of queer.
Steve Blame interviewed Bamber Delver: YouTube
There is a new book: ‘The legacy of Leigh Bowery, king of queer’. The career of this outrageous shapeshifter of the 80’s/90’s was short-lived (Leigh died in 1994, just 33 ) but his creative legacy is bigger than ever. This is the story.
Interview in London, 1989
In 1989 Dutch journalist Bamber Delver, interviewed the artist Leigh Bowery. This book re-publishes the original interview, Including lots of never-seen-before photos of three of Leigh’s creations. The book presents several timelines, of Leigh’s life and afterlife: his legacy. Like the annual Aussie-party Bowerytopia and the theatre named after him: the Bowery Theatre, Australia (native country of Bowery). A variety of performers pay tribute to Leigh, verbally and visually. The book comes in different versions. The hardcover in print is a real treat.
Leigh's sister Bronwyn wrote the foreword, Leigh's flatmate Ann tells about her memories
Decades after his death, Leigh Bowery’s influence is omnipresent. From Alexander McQueen to Cirque du Soleil, from Lady Gaga to the drag queens of RuPaul. In this book 15 artists around the globe admire his guts, his looks and fashion-philosophy which is nowadays called ‘queer’: no boundaries, no gender, no age, no sexuality, no restrictions of the human-form. Ann Holt, with whom Leigh travelled to London at 17, shares her memories. Leigh's sister Brownyn tells about her childhood with Leigh.
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